Wednesday 16 February 2011

1964 Welson Super Jazz
I think the seller is being a little bit lazy referring to the 1964 Welson Super Jazz as a "Jaguar", as whilst it does indeed look rather "surfy", it doesn't resemble a Jaguar that much. And wouldn't "Jazzmaster have been more relevant, if equally untrue? I love the switches with the "Jazz" labelling - "Jazz Tones", "Jazz - Super Jazz"... I can no more imagine a jazz guitarist playing this than I can Michael Angelo Batio playing the banjolele. (I suppose some clever dick is going to point out that he does play the ukulele... I wonder if it has five necks arranged in a star formation and rotates?).

It's a pity this Super Jazz doesn't have a similar "interesting" vinyl finish as on this Welson bass.

Currently for sale on eBay with a starting price of £895, which despite the guitar's rarity might be a tad optimistic.

G L Wilson

Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - now in its 10th year!

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