Wednesday 23 May 2012

What's that guitar? New Sound budget electric guitar
Jimi writes:

My name is Jimi Cullen. I am a musician from Ireland. I have been following your blog now for some time and absolutely love it. It's really great for building ideas as well as identifying unusual guitars. I have spent many hours looking through all the great stuff. Thank you. The other day I picked up a guitar that I have been unable to identify and cannot find on the blog. I was wondering if you knew anything about it.

The name on the headstock is New Sound but I'm not sure this is the original neck as there is a small gap at either side of the neck pocket so it may be a replacement. It's the body that I'm really interested in. Have you come across one before? Of course I may be mistaken about the neck and it may belong to the body.

I have attached some photos. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and keep up the great work


Hi Jimi, I think we can safely say that your New Sound would have been a "budget" guitar back in the day. The single pickup is very similar to that appearing on the cheaper Teisco and Kay guitars. I'd wager also that the neck was original - they were rarely a snug fit in the neck pocket on these cheaper guitars. I'm not really able to say much more about it (because I simply don't know) but let's throw the question open to the Guitarz readership?

G L Wilson

© 2012, Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - now in its 10th year!


  1. That pickup, those knobs, that pickguard and that body- it's gotta be Kay related, no?

  2. Jimi,

    Firstly, Rory Gallagher will live forever in our hearts! Hope you're folling his footsteps by following your own. The neck pocket may have been tighter at one time. Age has a way of doing that to us all. Insofar as "NewSound" I can honestly say I've never heard of them, but don't let that deter you. This is a player! Sans zero fret, the neck looks Vox-like but I'd more worry it's straight or correctable. String it up and let's have a listen? Mind if I call it Shinkicker?

  3. I have a Harmony H802 with the same tailpiece, bridge, and the neck looks the same too. I'm pretty sure it was made in Japan in the early '80s.

    1. You may well be right? The body design suggests a more recent design. But that pickup and hardware has The 60's written all over it! Often we'll see older 'shells' get stripped and have makeovers w/ all new hardware and electronics applied, but seldom the reverse.

      80's examples were more often than not, sans scratchplate. This seems to be celebrating it. I agree, def. torn.

  4. "there is a small gap at either side of the neck pocket"
    Jimi, make some shims to fit in the neck pocket. A visit to your local funiture repair person may net you some scrap venier you can glue in and trim. If you need to make it several layers thick then do so. The guitar will play and sound better. Worst case if the neck is twisted or warped beyond repair it would make a great slide guitar. Those pikups are tone monsters, not powerfull but soulfull. Nice find.

  5. The pickup and bridge are Woolworth's Audition. I reckon the body is home-made. The neck came from another guitar. Knobs are from a 70's Les Paul copy.

  6. A Teisco E-110 Tulip would have this same pickup, bridge, and tailpiece. Compare with this pic of a Tulip from
