Monday 16 January 2017

Sauvage OPM1 Guitar made from one piece of 100 year old Olive ash.

I think I'm in love.

There is little to say here that the pictures cannot say for themselves.

This Sauvage OPM1 ( One Piece Master ) is everything that is right with modern guitars as far as I'm concerned. Slightly retro, slightly modern, and wholly original.

R.W. Haller

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  1. Friggin' beautiful. Prices are friggin' ridiculous.

  2. Wow that's nice. It's sold out too, however looking at the price of the OPM II and OPM III. I'm pretty sure I couldn't have afforded it anyway :)

  3. Anonymous7:09 am

    Hello sir I like your post can you please promote my blog plzz

  4. Are you kidding me? The guitar looks amazing and it will sound more amazing when played.

  5. Original? I think they owe a royalty to John Backlund.

  6. Quiet an interesting technique! Gonna use it as persuasive speech topics for college!
