Tuesday 18 August 2009

Oud player Kamilya Jubran


A few months ago I discovered oud player and singer Kamilya Jubran. Though this is not the kind of music I usually listen to (and I listen to a lot of different styles), it just took one song on the radio to instantly order the CD, and it's one of my favorite since.

Oud has a lot of shared DNA with guitar, and I wish I could find a singer / guitar player who would be so interesting, simple, sincere and still ambitious, mixing tradition and modernity (Jubran's lyrics are taken from Arabic and African contemporary poets, she often works with real time computer treatment).

Anyway, I'm sure that the comments will offer some counter-examples! Actually that's on this blog that I first read about Kaki King and she's also some guitarist!


NB: There are a lot of blogs STEALING content and bandwidth. If you read this anywhere else but on guitarz.blogspot.com then you are reading a blog that STEALS content. Please support original bloggers!

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