The seller of the guitar keeps it short and simple.
"New York Pro, refinished, new strings, tuned, sounds awesome"
Let's dissect it a little:
It's a New York Pro - Hard to dispute or confirm as the headstock is not shown, but it looks like it's likely low range Korean offering.
Refinished - Well if you count intentional damage as a refinished job, then I guess so. Seriously, it looks like Marcellus Wallace got all medieval on it with a blow torch and pair of pliers.
New Strings - Phew, and I thought I was going to have to buy my own. There's a few bucks saved.
Tuned - Think of the hours I'll save. I wonder if I'll be able to get the seller to do house calls and tune it again if it ever should need it.
Sounds Awesome - The sound of an instrument is a very subjective thing, but I think that the judgment of this seller cannot wholly be trusted.
I generally don't like to be mean spirited when posting here, and yes we've called out horrible relics, bad customizations, and general guitar abuse in the past, but I feel this seller may be trying to dupe a potential buyer though, and sadly there are folks out there who wouldn't know that they were getting ripped off.
Am I wrong? This is not a good guitar, is it?
For $250 I could have bought 8 of these guitars.
R.W. Haller
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